Collection: Halloween Collection

How it Works

Let your child be the artist and design their very own monster or skeleton plate, snag a fun food clothing cutter before you checkout.

Then use your cutter with your child to dress up their plate with a food outfit (example: a cantaloup outfit). Include any food accessories you like, such as cherry tomatoes as pumpkins and zucchini hair. When they ask, “Mom, can I have more black olives for eyeballs?”, you’ll know you had mealtime success.

Think of all of the creations you could come up with!

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Two children holding hands with Dylbug Harmony stickers on their arms

Why Families Love Our Plates

Dylbug plates help make mealtime playful while building connections.

"We celebrate the spooky and sully everyday at my house. I love that I was able to get my Halloween lover a skeleton plate and not just at Halloween! We have fun naming the bones or dressing Mr. Skeleton up in other costumes or “people food clothes”

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