I came up with a REALLY FUN after school snack game for my little ones and they LOVED IT! I thought of this game because I have one VERY picky eater. He is sensitive to textures and flavors. I wanted to come up with a game that would give him fun pressure to eat something he normally would frown at (grapes + peppers). This game was a success so I just had to share it with you.
I came up with a REALLY FUN after school snack game for my little ones and they LOVED IT! I thought of this game because I have one VERY picky eater. He is sensitive to textures and flavors. I wanted to come up with a game that would give him fun pressure to eat something he normally would frown at (grapes + peppers). This game was a success so I just had to share it with you.
Start with a rainbow dice and 6 different color fruits + veggies. Each color on the dice represented a fruit or vegetable. First child rolls a color (example: green) then has to place their green fruit or vegetable as a hat, shirt, pants/skirt or shoes. Each child takes a turn rolling a color until their Little Me Dress Up is covered from head to toe. Once their Little Me is entirely dressed they continue to take turns rolling the dice, eating the colors that they roll. If they roll a color that they do not have on their plate then their turn is skipped. First child to roll all the colors on their plate and finish eating everything, wins the game.
My little ones got really excited about what other foods they want to use for next time we play. We will definitely be playing this game again. Hopefully you give it a shot with your little ones and let me know how it works in your home. Enjoy!
UPDATE: We have played this game many times and love it! You can replace the rainbow die for one with numbers and just number the foods 1-6. That gives you more options on different types of foods and not just based on colors. Have fun playing with your food!